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Executor: Prof. Dr. Paulo Sergio Graziano Magalhães
Agência Financiadora: Be-Basic Foundation e FAPESP

Objetivos do Projeto

Description of the knowledge that will be created and how it will be disseminated to the community.
The knowledge to be created will provide a methodology to complement routine wet-chemical soil analyses with simplicity that will make possible to obtain key information (quantitatively and qualitatively) for applying soil fertilizer rationally in a way to meet the needs of sugar cane production. The technique based in multispectral remote sensing analysis, soil spectra analysis and multivariate models should be robust so that it can be applied in a wide region of Brazil that produce sugar cane. 
The dissemination to the community will be done in the usual academic way by publishing in international journals, participating in congress and conferences, but also through seminar and workshops with soil lab representatives, consultancy companies of soil fertilizer and sugar cane mill and producer's representatives. 


Hoje o NIPE tem como um de seus mais importantes objetivos arregimentar, organizar, instrumentalizar e apoiar as pesquisas em energia na UNICAMP, buscando manter esta Universidade como um dos mais importantes centros de P&D nesta área de conhecimento no país.

Entre em contato
NIPE - Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Planejamento Energético
 Rua Cora Coralina, 330, (Campus Unicamp)
Campinas, SP, Brasil, CEP: 13083-896
+55 19 3521-1244 | +55 19 3521-1240 |
+55 19 3521-1243