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Associate professor; head of the Laboratory of Political Thought (Pepol/Unicamp); research associate at the National Institute of Science and Technology for Studies on the United States (INCT-Ineu); and CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship Level 2. Master in Sociology (2000) and PhD in Social Sciences (2004) from the State University of Campinas. Visiting researcher at Columbia University (2013), at Fondazione Gramsci (2010, 2016 and 2019) and at Brunel University (2022). Member of the Coordinating Committee of the International Gramsci Society, of the editorial board of the periodicals Outubro and International Gramsci Journal and of the Scientific Committee of the Marx 21 (Unicamp publishing house) and Per Gramsci (International Gramsci Society and Centro interuniversitario di ricerca per gli studi gramsciani) collections. . He works in the field of Political Science, with an emphasis on the history of Italian and Brazilian political thought and the history of Political Science. He was director of the Edgard Leuenroth Archive (2009-2017) and of the Institute of Philosophy in Human Sciences at Unicamp (2017-2020).


E-mail: abianchi@unicamp.br

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Lavinia de Barros Castro

Lavinia de Barros Cstro

Representante da Comunidade Externa à UNICAMP 

Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento - BNDES 

Rubens Augusto Lamparelli

Rubens Augusto Lamparelli
Representante da Carreira de Pesquisadores Pq do NIPE


Hoje o NIPE tem como um de seus mais importantes objetivos arregimentar, organizar, instrumentalizar e apoiar as pesquisas em energia na UNICAMP, buscando manter esta Universidade como um dos mais importantes centros de P&D nesta área de conhecimento no país.

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NIPE - Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Planejamento Energético
 Rua Cora Coralina, 330, (Campus Unicamp)
Campinas, SP, Brasil, CEP: 13083-896
+55 19 3521-1244 | +55 19 3521-1240 |
+55 19 3521-1243